If you don't know, Mad Libs are word games. Basically, when you are asked for a certain type of word, you give it. For instance, I ask you for an adjective and you answer, let's say, blue. That may come out as blue candy or blue face. It does get a little crazy, just like me, but that's the point. So without further ado...
Mad Lib #1
I love to Trick (Verb).video games. I can play them day and Candy Cane (Noun)! My mom and Job (Noun).are not too happy with my Kicking (Verb Ending with ING).so much time in front of the television House (Noun). Although Dad believes that these Awesome (Adjective).games help children develop hand-eye (Body Part).coordination and improve their learning Kangaroos (Plural Noun), he also seems to think they have Horrible(Adjective) side effects on one's Heart (Body Part). Both of my Wars (Plural Noun) think this is due to a Cold(Adjective) use of violence in the majority of the Killer Alligators (Plural Noun). Finally, we all arrived at a Nice(Adjective) compromise: After dinner I can play 98 (Number) hours of video games, provided I help clear the Gnat (Noun).and wash the Spark Plugs (Plural Noun).
Mad Lib #2
Now is your chance to enter this Pretty (Adjective) contest. Anyone, and we mean anyone, can enter this Friendly (Adjective).contest. Just follow these Naïve (Adjective).rules:
Write down in 23 (Number).words or less why you think that Wyatt (Person You Know).should be elected "Polar Bear (Noun) of the Year." Remember, he does not know that you think so Kindly(Adjective) of him. First prize will be a deluxe three-speed Mexican Jumping Bean (Noun), plus a year's supply of Bread (Type of Food). Second prize is a 21-foot Hypnosis (Noun). Third prize is a full-color Pokémon (Noun), plus a set of Otters (Plural Noun). Each entry must be accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed Dream (Noun). Decision of the Rodents (Plural Noun) will be announced in 2098 (Year) and will be final. In the event of a tie, duplicate Drums (Plural Noun) will be awarded.
That one was a good one. I'd love a full-color Pokémon and a pair of Otters. If you're wondering why I put those parenthetical statements next to my answers, it's so you can play as well. Did you guys get any thing funny? If so let us know in the comments below. See yah!
-Jordan Smith
That one was a good one. I'd love a full-color Pokémon and a pair of Otters. If you're wondering why I put those parenthetical statements next to my answers, it's so you can play as well. Did you guys get any thing funny? If so let us know in the comments below. See yah!
-Jordan Smith
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